The Veterinary Physiotherapy Company
'Helping your companions find their stride'

Terrier wearing a Ruff and Tumble Coat in the Boot of a Land Rover

Ruff and Tumble drying coats; Ruff and Tumble Drying Mitts; Ruff and Tumble Lead

Ruff and Tumble shampoo and spritz. Spaniel having a bath

Terrier wearing a Ruff and Tumble Coat in the Boot of a Land Rover
At The Veterinary Physiotherapy Company, we prioritize the health and mobility of your dogs, both during and between appointments. As part of this commitment, we've partnered with Ruff and Tumble to offer a 10% discount to all our customers on their site using the code:
🐾 Dog coats play a crucial role not only in extending the benefits of treatments by maintaining warmth and flexibility in your dog's muscles post-appointments but also serve as a preventive rehabilitation tool. When used before activities, these coats act as a passive warm-up, ensuring your dog's muscles are primed for action when coupled with active warm-up methods resulting in reduction of injury and consequent performance improvement.
🐾 The Ruff and Tumble range features high-quality drying dog coats that wick away moisture and provide warmth, preventing joint and muscle stiffness and potential injuries.
🐾 The Ruff and Tumble range is versatile, with their new cooling coat range serving as effective post-activity gear for a tailored cool down, especially in colder months.
🐾 What sets Ruff and Tumble apart is the ergonomic design of their coats, allowing your dog to wear them without the manoeuvring of legs and joints into tight jumper holes as seen in other products on the market. Instead, R&T coats incorporate a sleek jacket design with large belly straps that Velcro to the body of the jacket and thin gusset straps preventing slip during wear.
Get yours today at or use the code “THEVETPHYSIOCOMPANY10” to get 10% off your site-wide order (exclusive of sale items).